“More delights await for harp lovers in this well-chosen program of works that complement each other beautifully... The performances are dazzling and fresh, the recording uniformly warm and rich.”
“The quartet that put harp quartets on the map”
- Harp Column Magazine (2019)
"It’s a combination of the virtuosity of the individual players … and the fiery conversation they have as a group that grabs from the first notes." - Dance Sketches CD Review (2019)
“… the playing is spot on, engaging, and sets these lovely musicians in the very best light …
… played with impeccable technique, tight ensemble, and metronomic precision ….
… superb playing, virtuosas clearly enjoying cramming together four giant instruments and making music not in the solitude of the back of an orchestra…” - Soirées d’été CD Review (2015)
Chicago Harp Quartet soars
“… Marguerite Williams, Catherine Yom Litaker, Emily Granger and Julie Spring were indeed divine.
… we heard not one false note …
… Unique. Rare. Fascinating. Heavenly.” - Bob Saar 2017
Outstanding performance by the Chicago Harp Quartet
“… beautiful, outstanding, wonderful — there just are not enough adjectives to describe the excellence of their program.
Just to exemplify their dedication to charismatic works the quartet played an encore that truly demonstrated the humor and expertise of the members …”
Rare harp quartet to perform at Ravinia's Bennett Gordon Hall
“The quartet is about as unique as can be found in the classical musical world.” - Sheryl DeVore (2018)
The Chicago Harp Quartet is exceptional and dazzling due to their individual and collective precision, polish and musicality. The unique palette of colors made possible by four harps is deeply inspiring and, when allied to their riveting ensemble playing, which is meticulous and nuanced, makes for one of the most vibrant and interesting ensembles in Chicago and beyond. -Augusta Read Thomas, Composer
I fell in love with the Chicago Harp Quartet from the first notes I heard them play at the Chicago Lyon & Healy Celebration. They are a great group of dedicated professionals who are doing a lot to introduce ensemble playing at a very high level to a wide public. They are a “must hear!!” I congratulate them on their wonderful music-making and interesting repertoire. -Susann McDonald, Distinguished Professor of Music Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University
The Chicago Harp Quartet exemplified the qualities of a great collaborative partner as they shared the stage with the Play On, Philly! Harp Studio and Elizabeth Hainen. Their performance was the highlight of the evening as they masterfully executed works by Bach, DeFalla and Glass. The passion and musicianship from this quartet brought out all of the colors these composers had hoped for and I am sure they will be successful at promoting the harp quartet as a serious musical medium. -Stanford Thompson, Founder & Artistic Director Play On, Philly!